Loonfeather Publications

Hardback edition of the Point Within a Circle
Illustration of Microcosmus Hypochondriacus from The Point Within the Circle.
Matthew Clark, author of the Point Within the Circle

The Point Within the Circle
Bounded by two parallel lines

About the author

Matthew Ridgley Clark has been a practitioner of Hermetic Science and the Western mystery tradition for many years. A student of Qabalah and alchemy since the early 1970s, Mr. Clark has studied and participated in a variety of esoteric disciplines and organizations.

W. Bro. Clark has been a Craft Freemason for twenty years. He is a Past Master of Britannia Lodge #73 in Victoria, BC., and is known throughout the district for his educational presentations.

In the Scottish Rite Ill. Bro. Clark is a PCIC, and PTPGM.
In 2018 he was coronetted to the 33rd degree. He now sits on the national Education and Enlightenment Committee for the Supreme Council 33 of Canada.

In private life Mr. Clark is president of a small import-export company. He has been married to noted astrologer Annie Bones for 30 years. They live in a small house on top of a large hill in Victoria, BC.

Mr. Clark is available for virtual speaking engagements and Masonic educations. Please contact the publisher.




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